Live Oak Commerce Center

14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses) Baldwin Park, CA 91706

14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706
Live Oak Commerce Center
14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706
Property Type:
Please Call Broker for Price

Last Verified:
May 14, 2024
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  • Professional management
  • Ample parking for tenants and visitors
  • Well-maintained grounds
  • Easy access to major transportation routes
  • Nearby shopping, retail, and dining options and amenities


Perfect for businesses seeking a premier location, Live Oak Commerce Center in Baldwin Park, California offers modern, well-appointed industrial suites for lease. With ample parking, and professional management, this property provides the ideal setting for productivity and growth. Tenants will appreciate the convenience of nearby dining options, shopping centers, and major transportation routes, ensuring a seamless experience for employees and clients. The property's clean and functional architectural design and landscaped grounds make a strong impression, while its proximity to amenities and accessibility make it a standout choice for businesses looking for a successful location to thrive.

Located in the heart of Baldwin Park, Live Oak Commerce Center with addresses of 14120 - 14140 - 14160 - 14180 Live Oak Avenue offers tenants a prime location in a vibrant community. Surrounding the area are a variety of dining options, including popular chains and local eateries, making lunch breaks convenient and enjoyable. The location also boasts easy access to shopping centers and recreational facilities, providing convenient amenities for employees and visitors alike. Additionally, the property is in close proximity to major transportation routes, offering easy commutes and accessibility for clients and staff. With parks, fitness centers, and entertainment venues nearby, the area provides a well-rounded and dynamic environment for businesses to thrive.

Building Size: 76259sq ft
Building Class: B
Lot Size: 0 acres


14120 Live Oak Lease Brochure

Units for Lease

14120 - B-C
Space Available: 10347 SF
Lease Type: Modified Gross

Price Per Sqft/Month: $1.79

Map of 14120 Live Oak Avenue (Multiple Addresses), Baldwin Park, CA, 91706

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What are Real Estate Incentives?

Real Estate incentives range widely and have been overlooked by the Commercial Multiple Listing Services (MLS) for decades. Real estate incentives is a generic term used to group any number of programs, such as tax incentives, that are designated by an agency for a geographic area."

Why are Real Estate Incentives Important and to Whom?

"Incentives" are vital today and in the future because:

  • U.S. Public: Many incentives focus on job creation and Affordable Housing
  • Investors and Commercial Developers use incentives to reduce financial risk, obtain gap financing, etc. Investors and developers look for property listings with incentives available.
  • Commercial Real Estate Brokers, in mass, unfortunately do not know about incentives tied to their listings
  • Entire Supply Chain of Real Estate Development such as small and large companies who will provide goods and services to new and revitalized properties.